Thursday, September 27, 2018

Welcome Note

Warm welcome to Random Reflections...

This is my new blog. 

Sometimes we experience a spontaneous overflow of thoughts which give us an entirely different insight. But after some time we may fail to recollect them. Our brain is not able to store all the  thoughts come into our mind in a fraction of a second. They just come and go every moment. But won't it be better to document the best out of them so that we can analyze them later?  

Random Reflections is such a place where I wish to download my vibes, most probably my positive vibes. Sometimes vibes are contagious too! Let my thoughts bring good vibes to you! 

Our life is like reels of vivid scenes. How many twists and turns it takes before it gets stuck once, without prior notice! Sometimes we are awaken, sometimes we dream and sometimes we are in deep dormancy. While winding the reels of life  from the status of wakefulness to that of dream or to dormancy, rarely we find ourselves in trance or in state of ecstasy when we completely lose our ego which may last only for the blink of an eye. That is the moment when we experience our inner self, the Supreme Consciousness or the real 'I' matter! How beautiful that realization is!

When I look out through my window and see the vast number of houses, shelters in a way, with a lot of people living inside with their unique thoughts, inhibitions, perceptions and expressions, I get a sense of universal inclusiveness! Inclusiveness is the nature of this universe. It reminds me the famous sanskrit sloka Vasudhaivakudumbakam' (वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्) in Maha Upanishad.

Universe is the all-time venue of creation, maintenance and annihilation.  It excludes none from its rule.  Each creation is a miniature of this universe. The universal balance between the creation and annihilation is maintained automatically. Naturally, frictions or conflicts arise prior to any destruction. It is impossible to keep ourselves in aloofness or inactivity. Our role always is to be on the part of righteousness, that too, without demanding any reward. 
But how to identify righteousness? 
Righteousness can be alive only with selflessness. Selfishness kills righteousness. Lack of selfishness will also enable us to work without expecting any reward. 
Genuinely there may arise a confusion that what is the point in working hard without aiming any result! The answer is, sincere and selfless hard work itself is the assurance of its result. But remember, reward and result are not always the same. Every action follows a result, either negative or positive. But reward is a recognition which is not compulsory for every action.  The only duty that we have to do is to focus on maximum perfection and to perform our duty in the best possible way. The result also will occur accordingly. Once we realize it, the rest of our life will be serene and beautiful in any phase of our life. 

Good day!

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