Thursday, October 4, 2018

Unity vs. Uniformity

Are unity and uniformity the same? 
No.  To my humble knowledge they are not the same. 
Unity is displayed when the members of a family, a group, a community, a society, a state, a nation and the globe or in a wider sense the universe, respect, accept and given freedom each other to the diversities exist among them even when difference of opinion from person to person prevails, unless one's personal freedom does not breach or hurt any one else's privacy.   
At the same time uniformity is only the similarity in outward appearance in the same habitats mentioned above. 
That means unity is something internal and uniformity is only external.

Unity or uniformity - Which is more important?
As we all know, inner beauty is precious than outward beauty. Similarly  unity is definitely of great worth than uniformity. Of-course,uniformity is valuable if it contributes its share to unity. But it is mere hypocrisy if uniformity is just an outward show to hide the internal clash.

Unity and Uniformity - Up to what extent?

Unity definitely can go to any extent. It will not do any harm to anyone. Unity is always something which we seek for. So there is no need of any maximum limit to be marked for unity.
But uniformity has limitations. A uniform set of rules or code of conduct for the smooth functioning of a system is always desirable or even essential. But it's credibility should be checked from time to time if it curtails the freedom to preserve and share the individual creative quality or the beauty of diversity. In other words the rules of uniformity should not be aimed to suppress the creative thoughts of an individual or the sundry culture  of a system  which inspire and energize the natural balance of life in this universe. 
 Let us do not cut down the wings of the birds who wish to fly high in the sky in order to impose uniformity among the flock of birds. Let us do not compromise with cutting down our head in order to  fit ourselves in the undersized cots provided.

Good Day!

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